Saturday 30 July 2011

Second conceptual model - Week 2

In this second model i made i wanted to experiment with sharper angles and shapes to create different shadow forms instead of having organics forms like the initial model i had made. I put the model under different coloured lights to see the effects and the idea of how different lights will affect our mood when we wake up in the morning.


This is most of last weeks work but i forgot to blog!
Our Groups 1:500 Model (group 4)
Firstly a picture of the area we were working on:
This is a site near Parnell in Auckland City
Panoramic view of building we made a model of on the left

This was my group partner and my model for the 1:100 site model of a building we had to choose and analyse the surrounding environment and pedestrian and traffic flows.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Post - Desktop Crit - Week 2

After having my desktop crit in class today. I am now further investigating the idea of tessellations and how it creates patterns. I will also experiment with more linear cuts into the card to create different shadows and contrast with the model I previously have made. These shapes will be based upon those of that inside the old railway station which is the site where i would like to 'awaken' in.
More updates coming soon!

Design 2 - Laser Cutting - Week 2

Our project for this part of the semester is laser cutting.
We have to make a light fixture that relates to our site in our designated triangle.
Here are the beginning concepts for my laser cut model:
In these models we were asked to investigate the idea of somewhere we would like to wake up and the different types or strengths of light we would like to wake up to. My first model has quite an organic form which lets only streaks of light through creating interesting shadows on the bottom of the card.
Front Elevation

Shadows inside model

Curves of cardboard

Bottom View

In progress