Tuesday 18 October 2011

Final PDF and matrix submission

Final PDF and matrix are submitted
Time to study for ARCHTEC and ARCHHTC now!!!
let the good times begin....

Saturday 8 October 2011

Google sketchup model of Building

1st level interior
2nd level

Recently i have been working on a Google sketch up model of my building to develop the interior and also get different elevations of my building without it being drawn multiple times on paper. Here is the process and end result, although it still needs refinement:

Friday 7 October 2011

Progress with design and A4 Sheets

1:500 showing surrounding area and site

1:200 showing contours and r
 Here i have started my A4 sheets for the 1:500 and 1:200. These maps will give me more information about my sites immediate surroundings and how my building will respond to them.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Final Crit Preparation - Digital Carnival

This semester is almost coming to a close and it is time to prepare for the final Crit of the semester.
For the final crit we need:
-4 A4 sheets showing ground conditions and detailing: 1:500, 1:200, 1:100 and 1:20 between ground and our building.
-Evidence of the whole semester including each Workshop, Peer reviews, readings, Best of the blog.
- 3 A3 Pages (for all previous workshops - laser cutting and animation).
- 1 A3 page of the best reviews you received or gave.
- 4 pages showing the best of the final project.
- 1 Matrix.

Checklist for final 3 weeks:


-Evidence of The Upstarts Startup Office including your colleagues Storage for all the things you need.
-Matrix building
-Front door, Back door, One other threshold.
-Map of services within 10 minutes,

Evidence of Climate Change and a Digital Practise in the renovation
-A new word placed in a Tradition.-Map of services within 10 minutes plus your colleagues projects.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Peer Crits - Gifting

The people i crited today were the laser cutting group. Some models were quite outstanding and I can tell a lot of work was put into each individual project.

Sally Hosking
-Tram stop.
-On Short Street.
-'Communal Space'
-Material " look at how different materials weather in different conditions"
-Wind, rain and sun.
-3 factors.

Jenny Chen
-New transport for Auckland Ciry.
-12 different stops.
-Come up with a theme.
-Potential for social hubs.
-Weathering and corrosion etc.
-influence the environment

Sam Thompson

Unfortunately Sam did not turn up for his peer crit.

Matrix - Augmented Reality

Sunday 25 September 2011

1:1 Augmented Reality

My idea of gifting was generosity through giving back to community and ecology. To do this my building is mainly transparent on the lower levels being open to the outer environment for the public to enjoy. A private area will also be seen by the public that will be accessible by the public separating the working space and social space. I played with the Principles of Urban Think Tank by mixing the formal spaces and informal spaces in the same building. ( Office Space + Public space). My 1:1 detailing reflects the glass hand railing facing the sea side. A Cor-Ten steel structure will be the main facade facing st.Andrews church which is framed by a square window.

Final Model

Window to floor connection

Right Elevation

Planning and gathering materials

Built arrangement

Window connection

Left elevation of window


Spray painting...

Waiting for it to dry

2 Coats of spray paint (Brown and Copper)

I- beams in place

Flooring foundations

Testing strength

1:5 model Augmented reality

This 1:5 detailing is of my window connection to the hand railing Cor-Ten steel.

Friday 23 September 2011

Material qualities

Recently i have been trying to imitate the texture of Cor-Ten steel by using a specific spray paint. Photos to come...
-Glass and perspex......
-Nails and bolts....

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Sketches, Materials and more ideas!

Today after talking to my tutors Dermott and Padma i have decided to not change the form of my building any more and focus more on the pedestrian and flow of my building as it seems private and not open to the public. To address this problem i will make the space more welcoming by having a specific access path that reaches out to the public park.

Initial concept with organic forms

Merging of organic idea and 2nd life idea


Looking at contemporary organic forms

Ideas in sketches in notebook

Window form

Metal on wood to see texture

Imitation of Cor-Ten steel with spray paint and wood

Tuesday 20 September 2011

2nd life building on site revisited - Augmented reality

Added shadows and removed the red carpet from 2nd life
Added on some effects to brighten up building

My idea definition of gifting is generosity and unselfishness therefore the building i will design will incorporate the social and ecological needs by contributing back to the community. It will be public space and open plan - a place for people to relax.

Generosity is the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. It can involve offering time, assets or talents to aid someone in need. Often equated with charity as a virtue, generosity is widely accepted in society as a desirable trait. Generosity is not solely based on one's economic status, but instead, includes the individual's pure intentions of looking out for society's common good and giving from the heart. Generosity should reflect the individual's passion to help others. In Buddhism, generosity is the antidote to the self-chosen poison called greed. Therefore my buildings will have no assigned spaces but a open plan style interior where every room will be merged together in a space. It will also be quite open to the exterior environment. The overall form of the building will be quite organic to reflect its surroundings.

"Life and the world is a Gift"

Monday 19 September 2011

Gifting Brief

Today we talked about the idea of gifting and how it would relate to our site.
What we have to have ready by Wednesday is:
  • Idea of gifting and what it means to you?
  • 2 Augmented drawings
    - 2nd life photoshop on site.
    -Augmented reality sketch reinforcing the concept.
  • Material palette of 3 or more materials.

    The idea of a gift is interesting because a gift has a strong contrast between the interior and exterior surfaces. The interior surface is always in darkness and the exterior is constantly exposed to light. My idea of gifting is being generous and sharing/ giving - this could range from sharing a social space to a private indoor area. This led me to think of designing a office space that would incorporate open planning and be almost transparent to the outside world. 

I have also been looking into Ben Heine's Pencil vs Camera sketches for augmented reality. The precision and detail he has gone into is quite amazing.

    Saturday 17 September 2011