Monday 19 September 2011

Gifting Brief

Today we talked about the idea of gifting and how it would relate to our site.
What we have to have ready by Wednesday is:
  • Idea of gifting and what it means to you?
  • 2 Augmented drawings
    - 2nd life photoshop on site.
    -Augmented reality sketch reinforcing the concept.
  • Material palette of 3 or more materials.

    The idea of a gift is interesting because a gift has a strong contrast between the interior and exterior surfaces. The interior surface is always in darkness and the exterior is constantly exposed to light. My idea of gifting is being generous and sharing/ giving - this could range from sharing a social space to a private indoor area. This led me to think of designing a office space that would incorporate open planning and be almost transparent to the outside world. 

I have also been looking into Ben Heine's Pencil vs Camera sketches for augmented reality. The precision and detail he has gone into is quite amazing.

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