Thursday 15 September 2011

Peer Crit reviews

For the peer crit reviews i reviewed Simon, Stacey and Nick. Their workshop was augmented reality.

Spiral building

Simon's design is based around his matrix of Toyo Itos' Sendai mediatheque. He created a office space that would be supported up by spiral beams to mimic the surrounding environment. His main idea was about the flow of air and traffic represented in a building.

A concept of Simon's design

Curved surfaced building

Stacey's building she designed was a combination of her sustenance and waking project in previous weeks. Her building is placed beside St. Pauls church in the park space. It is about framing the landscape and seperating private and public spaces. I found the windows she had designed quite interesting due to how they could be moved to make the space private or public at the users will. The building is also raised on pilotis which give it a light to the building and not being too invasive to the park and surrounding environment.

Stacey's 1:1 of a specific window panel

 Moving Panels and door screens

Nicks design was redesign of an existing facade inspired by his matrix which was a building designed by the architect Louis Kahn. Nick investigated these heavy mass forms that Louis Kahn loves to use. Simple geometric shapes made from mainly concrete that give an eternal feel to it - That the building will be here to 'stay'. There are 3 levels that open - the bottom levels act as doors and the 2 above levels are used as windows that regulate light. I found the form of his building facade very interesting and the idea of only concrete being used gave it a really strong heavy feel to it.

Photos to come... when Nick updates his blog!

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