Sunday 25 September 2011

1:1 Augmented Reality

My idea of gifting was generosity through giving back to community and ecology. To do this my building is mainly transparent on the lower levels being open to the outer environment for the public to enjoy. A private area will also be seen by the public that will be accessible by the public separating the working space and social space. I played with the Principles of Urban Think Tank by mixing the formal spaces and informal spaces in the same building. ( Office Space + Public space). My 1:1 detailing reflects the glass hand railing facing the sea side. A Cor-Ten steel structure will be the main facade facing st.Andrews church which is framed by a square window.

Final Model

Window to floor connection

Right Elevation

Planning and gathering materials

Built arrangement

Window connection

Left elevation of window


Spray painting...

Waiting for it to dry

2 Coats of spray paint (Brown and Copper)

I- beams in place

Flooring foundations

Testing strength

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